Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Names For Bow Company

finally ....

heart filled with DMC embroidery stitchery light effect heart filled to the seams with "live" application and

........ I am a offer my creations that I'm going to sell ............

only begin with these two hearts now, but the other photos soon on this screen:)

with any questions and curiosities to write

kisses !!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

What Is Chaining In Heart Gold

trails Partigiani.13 April Oltrepò Pavese

87th Brigade Garibaldi "CRESPI" with the dexterity of Varzi

The 87th Brigade Garibaldi "CRESPI" formed in July 1944 replaced the first spontaneous formation of rebellion formed after the September 8, 1943: The small band, the band of the Greek, Scarlet Pimpernel. The CLN organizes Oltrepò Pavese in areas under military control Matteotti Brigade, the Brigade Justice and Freedom and the 3 formations Garibaldi (87 CRESPI Brigade, 88 Brigade and the Brigade Casotti Capettini). The first real clash between partisans and fascists is July 25, 1944 and for the theater wide river bed of the streams and Staffora Aronco at their point of confluenza.I partisans of "American" (Domenico Mezzadra) and the formation of "Justice and Freedom" fight together to defeat the fascists, the mandates in jeopardy by their commanders, are subject to harsh perdite.Nel the battle "American" in his right arm was wounded but continued the fight holding the gun with his left hand, a gesture that enhances the reputation and prestige of the commander of his men and the course of the clash dies popolazione.Nel the young "Brat" (Aldo Casotti), which will be paid after a Garibaldi Brigade. On August 12, 1944 fought the battle victorious Pietragavina. Here is the story of Franco Costa Brigade Crespi: "We won the first battle of which are in the mountains. But I have contributed very little. It 'happened. Last night was the alarm because it was learned that a detachment of Republicans, going back to Varzi, had occupied Castle Pietragavina threatened and then, from the pass, the valley of Tidoncello and Zavatterello-Valverde. All of our detachments. Crespi Brigade were set in motion converging on Pietragavina. Yesterday, the detachment command Romagnese led by Mario and Gino is mounted on two trucks German war booty and was immediately directed there. Although armed with one pistol (I never saw the Poldo and my machine gun, alas!) I got myself into a truck, but Elio when he saw me I was immediately attracted because I had to stay with him and the few remaining to run the command. It 's the first missed opportunity. It was about 16 of today when the phone rang. Was Lello (the brother Gino Zavatterello less than that from the contacts between us and the command line. He literally said: "The castle fell Petragavina and Fascists surrendered. There are 13 prisoners, including an officer. "I was facing the balcony closer and I shouted the news to those who were in the mall. We have set out on the balcony with the red star flag in the center. Shortly after in the castle courtyard there was a lot of people shouting and cheering. Last night I kept shifting from one foot, but I struggled a lot to sleep. "Followed by a few days later won the second battle of Pietragavina September 18, 1944 and the important achievement of Varzi. "Our brigades and Crespo and Capettini other small units are attacking the garrison of Varzi. He started Scarlet Pimpernel is Varzese and was no longer in the skin, with its Capettini. The others are immediately dropped from Pietragavina and Monte Cucco to the Gabarda. It 'a real siege and the fascists are asseragliati in some houses (maybe the schools and the Castle). Since yesterday there is a great entertainment throughout the country. Meanwhile, we must remember that 11 or 12 in the Trebbia Bridge Organasco say, a whole company of the Mountain Division Monterosa has defected and went with weapons, mules and baggage on our side. The credit for this, like many other daring actions in that area seems to go "Bisagno. The shooting around Varzi is a quasi-continuous. Tomorrow I will go on with a truck of supplies and I'll stay all day. On September 18, Varzi fall! The fight lasted three days and wanted a more victim: the case of Enzo Togni, by Broni, detachment commander. Enzo was crushed by a mortar fragment that severed his carotid artery, I am very saddened me seriously looked like a young and promising. Unfortunately, there were three other casualties. The day before yesterday evening, in full battle Varzi, came to join us an entire platoon of Czechs who have deserted the Wehrmacht with weapons, ammunition and miscellaneous. A total of 36, driven by a blond and some Captain NCOs. They brought with them three well-gunner 20 mm. And one of them, with three serving Czechs, you just went over Varzi station, where his slow but powerful drumming must have shaken a lot of the fighting will of the fascists who were asseragliati in schools and in the tower. The effect of the arrival of the Czechs on our moral and what the population was immense. In the village there is animation and indescribable agitation. We struggle to keep people who would all go to Varzi. "With free Varzi, begins the experience of
Republic partisan ending November 27 1944sotto the pressure of fierce roundup winter carried out with troops and Mongolian Kalmucks who sow death, destruction and terror throughout the territory. It 'a very strong forcing partisan divisions to fall back and disperse to avoid annihilation. There are two months of hardships and the partisans in small groups are also forced to 'disappear' by hiding in holes dug in the snow!. We are now in 1945 and the worst of luck to pass and, with the spring, the raparti reorganize themselves and become more powerful and incisive ... getting

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tempat Wedding Di Jakarta

"Arthur" - does the right thing. Thanks

Oltrepò Pavese, Milan, Dongo.
In the distribution and exhibition:
Mar. 14 - 09:00 / 23:00
Mar. 15 - 10:00 / 19:00
stand ANPI Lombardia
at the Fiera Milano City.
Port Scarampo
"Do the right thing"
Hall 1.2. - I think -
Peace and participation. ARCI.
We look forward to ...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rose Quarter Seating Chart Rows And Numbers

ANPI / bubble Baranzate