Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ex Officio Robert's Rules

Almost - Surrealism Portuguese

Carlo CarrĂ  - Interventionist Demonstration -1914
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A little sun - and I was grilled,

a little more blue - I was there.

to succeed, I missed a wing beat ...

If I could stay here ...

fright or peace? No. .. all gone

ingannator below sea-foam;

and awakened the dream in the mist,

the big dream - sadly - almost lived ...

Almost love, triumph and almost flame

almost the beginning and end - almost expansion ...

But all my soul is poured out ...

Meanwhile nothing was just an illusion!

Everything had a beginning ... and it's all wrong ...

- Oh the pain of being almost infinite ... -

I among others I missed, I missed me,

wing who ran but did not fly ...

moments of soul I dissipai ...

Temples never an altar where no positive ...

Rivers lost to the sea without ...

anxieties that were not but that I fixed ...

If I digress, I only clues ...

spinners towards the sun - I see them closed;

hands of a hero, without faith, invilite,

put grates over the cliffs ...

In momentum spread of languor,

all taken and possessed nothing ...

Today me, there is the disappointment of

things that I kissed but did not live ...

....................................... ........

............................................. ..

A little sun - and I would be grilled,

a little more than blue - and I would be there.

to succeed, I missed a bird's wing ...

If I could stay here ...

Mario de Sa-Carneiro N. Lisbon 05.19.1890, M, suicide, Paris 26.04.1916

(Poetry comes from dispersion 1914)

From a Oliveria Pessoa - Portuguese Modern Poetry "Modernism, Surrealism, Neo-realism" ed.Accademia 1973. I ed. pag.119
by Giuseppe Tavani

Notes From Mario de Sa-Carneiro
... Friend devout admirer of Pessoa, his poetry (which shut themselves entirely within the short span of four years: 1913-16) was born from the sign of a decaying symbolism and assimilates instantly
pessoana the lesson, which he channeled within the canons of prosodic and rhythmic and interprets Symbolist
in key delirious extravagance and hypersensitivity hallucinated into which the Futurist Marinetti and the dreamlike visions of Walt Whitman and Picasso ... "