Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What Should I Write In Lease Offer Letter?

Embrace The Murderess

Before you and I
in a bath of stars

naked as the day on the beach

of our memories,

lost in the mystery of our breaths
and within one night
that puts out the words.

Then the tide
as a sheet inexorable
and lascivious
to cover the salt with the salt,
eager to lick the shoreline
the marks left by lovers
hungry and drunk with desire,
more painful as the wait
or as my stomach
when the moon inhabits.

Finally, there's
and all the killers who invoke

at the bedside of a sweet agony
slide on the edge of the night and pray
that death or sleep
evade me to my fate.

in death or in sleep
in each shell will
you are treading,

kiss in every grain of sand
stranded on your skin as the seed

between the folds of a fruit.

It's just me, here and now, like a tear
from a corner of your eyes
waiting on the launch pad
your melancholy
to fly higher

falling along the curves of your face.
Up to drown
in this embrace.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Cover Letter Inquiry Visual Communication

Chocolate Hearts

sm , food derived from the seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao L.) and prepared from cocoa butter (the fat of cocoa beans) with the addition of dust cocoa beans, sugar and other optional ingredients such as milk, almonds, nuts or other flavorings.
Chocolate has a precious quality, the most precious of all: "scioglievolezza" . The Osho sannyasi
of call "melting" . It 'a state of deep and profound fusion of two or more individuals. He who experiences the melting relinquishment of the form (mind-mind) as the original, as regards the individual as the essential (core), they are maintained and new ones are created, a bit like the case for most metal alloys consisting of: the old with the new in a new form.
The effects of this type of fusion, since that also affect the subtle bodies of those taking part, occur not only in the material world but also in the higher worlds and therefore are not subject to restrictions respect to time and space. It so happens that the melting persists even among those who are separated by great distances and also after their physical death.
When the merger took place with your partner in a previous life and he did not even have time to reincarnate, or if you're the survivors in this life, or if one is not embodied in the physical plane, because of the melting will still be given the opportunity to manifest itself in the form of another apparition, a dream or inner voice. Thus, according to someone, and explain the true nature of entities described by different traditions and denominated as appropriate as guardian angels, spirit guides, penates , etc..
The only type of effort required to ensure that the melting could take place is the "unconditional surrender "or" deep surrender. "But at the moment when you pass the stage called" melting point (melting point) the yield is even greater since gone any form of will and strength and there is no possibility return (the melting is an irreversible process). Beyond the melting point there is only the melting itself.
That is a kind of melting magic of very special and very sacred that requires massive amounts of highly exotic substances such as love, Grace, Consciousness ... or, precisely, the chocolate.