Monday, May 5, 2008

Virtual Jenna Fingered

Love Letter

The moment we are born, in accordance to the profound nature of our Being, a amount of things we are prohibited and will remain inaccessible to us for the duration of our lives. No matter how much effort we do to overcome these limitations and what we deserve: there are things we can never enjoy.
Cosi 'on you, for example, the existence has never given any chance to go to bed with George Clooney , it' one day to become a champion basketball or even better, to travel between New York, Paris and Milan pulling for Valentino. It 'probably come to live enough to enjoy the convenience arising from the invention of the tele transport.
For each of us but there are other gifts that we are instead given, again for the mere fact of being born. And how many mistakes we will never commit, as we will ever fall down and our lives to be miserable, nothing and nobody can never deprive us of one of these gifts. They are in fact related to our own nature as the daylight is connected to the sun, as life is the death and be whole it is depression.
This I have learned. And together this I learned that one of the gifts that was given to both you and me was that, one day, we can meet and live with the joy of a deep and very special .
why I can not help but love you. This is why I continue to innamorami hopelessly in your every single flaw and endure a lot of your quality . That is love and love always your fragility and your neuroses, the shape of your body (including flesh) and the sound of your voice, the light of your smile and the taste of your tears.
why we belong: birthright. Not for what we have done or learned. In fact, what we could never do or learn so big and beautiful that we can never deserve the blessing of such a love?
And whatever happens, any mistake or sin each of us could ever commit, any of doom will ever fall victim to, any obstacle or distance can ever arise between us, we will always an empty seat in the my life and in my heart cut out just for you and ready to welcome all the time as the most hot and sweet hugs. Without question, it 'demands and expectations. Just for you. Only for Love.
And I know that the same is true for you and also why every pain, every little and big storm meet on the street will not never really strong enough to kill me, that at least a part of me will always be safe and will continue to go for a walk somewhere in the world on the beautiful legs of a beautiful woman named Serena.


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