Friday, November 19, 2010

Big Boobs With Milk Milk

Dreamers of Words - The Poetics of Reverie - Imaginary and Immaginale

The Poetics of Reverie
Gaston Bachelard
Editions Daedalus 1993

... "Childhood is the well being" .. . The well is an archetype, a heavier image for the human soul ...

Juan Ramon Jimenez (Platero et moi, trans. Ed. Seghers, p.64) writes: . A dreamer of words can not pass such a reverie without notice it ...
.. Reverie on staff meetings and places of ether ..:
.. what is the virtual world .. ... Is a bit 'like being in charge of a goal by having a daily treatment of a bus .. the same hours, same connections, same crowd, same faces .. sometimes unbearable odors, sometimes sensual flirting, others sometimes annoying skin .. then happen to engage in edifying conversations with the stranger that goes half way and I hope to see tomorrow, or take for certain that you are getting the right people are perfect for dreaming, then you realize that you were asleep with his head at the window ... it was now tarnished and had lost all the stops ...
on Bachelard and his poetic

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Master Lock 647d How To

History and Utopia

history as the expectation of a future

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Do I Get The Hair Off My Northface

Lavoiser - Carlos de Oliveira - Portuguese neorealism


In the poem,
variable nature of words, nothing is lost
or creates
everything changes:
each poem in its
uncertain and calligraphy, is already dreaming
another form.

If poetry
assess any
its oscillation
another movement
that of the structure
which generate
millennia later
these imaginary flowers
its micro rigor.

The bird, its anatomy
fast, full shape in a hurry, which condenses
just enough to be visible in the sky, without harming
other model Flights: clouds;
and light wind, leaves
now, astonished,
spreads its wings in the desert of the table;
try to cry out to the fake birds
that death is different:
cross the sky with a whisper of sweetness
and disappear.

The first form is still
other harden in the air, more angular, but they all weigh
developing laws of fall:
and fall; serious;
reduced to space of weight;
the flight is the unique abstract
or rather, the metaphor of the wings, which implies
things for hours without laws;
but the plural, the flights, no, make
forms clear,
the limit to their opacity;
and each pulse in the air, the weight back
of flight:
flights are returning.

Carlos de Oliveira " Lavoiser" by lado Sobre or Esquerdo
by Pessoa Oliveira
Modern Portuguese poetry
by Giuseppe Tavani
Modernism, Surrealism, Neo-realism
1973 Academy Ed

Link to Oliveira and poetry Portuguese