"... In the Babylonian festivals were especially critical days of the lunar revolution (the new moon and full moon) and the course of the sun compared to the lunar orbit (solstices and equinoxes). The most important was that which marked the renewal of the year, near the spring equinox [...] That transition period was put before the people with a solemn procession in which the allegorical figure of the forces of chaos contrasted the re-creation, or the miracle of death and resurrection of Marduk (the god savior). Represented in the procession was a symbolic
ship equipped with two wheels on which the Moon God and Sun God were passing along the main street of the festival -
symbol of the zodiac top - to the sanctuary of Babylonia - the land
-. It was the car
naval [...] which still today gives its name to the party and concludes that an old year and start a new one.
That period of transition, struggle, chaos-of which we find the same characters in
Roman Saturnalia, was spent in unbridled freedom, in a sort of reversal of the social order and morale. [...]
The car took off naval anchor and sailed metaphorically, facing the open sea.
Each step of the water is disturbing, ambiguous, distressing. The journey is not easy: the fear of crossing the perilous landscape makes crazy people who board. For this, the naval
car, was also called in the Middle Ages
stultifera Navis, the ship of fools. But this is not a senseless folly, a direction: the other side has to land where the wagon yard. While browsing the body of the old year breaks [...] the roles are reversed, as the sexes, while the dance collective [...] is to obey God in the Game who rules the cosmos and in fact the
games are typical of this period.
It is involved in a storm so tragicomic that can not be mad not to take part [...] where it becomes mandatory.
[...] The masks themselves are the manifestation of the dead re-emerge and mingle with the living in this general reshuffling: the terrifying and life, attack, scare, touch, take in a snare, kidnapping, act like fools and buffoons. Those masks are really the manifestation of death renews all things, the thirteenth card of the Tarot to the bottom of every authentic carnival for there is this presence, though often not consciously perceived, which makes it tragic in its apparent cheerful licentiousness. ... "
Alfredo Cattabiani - Calendar ***
every year I like to go re-read these sentences, which are so well mixed crowds and the period that we are living. And each time find these words in the sense the melancholy inherent in the carnival. that is not one of the most popular holidays (so many times I heard it again). Cattabiani and that last sentence makes us clearly the significance of this natural and unconscious
it behind them.
to me rather like this festival.
I like precisely because of his profound sense, so full of symbols-the car, water (and in fact the sign in which we find ourselves is that of fish), the ship, death, life, travel, forms-anime, madness, debauchery, and the subsequent purification that leads to the rebirth ...-
and every year read the signs.
and lose myself in thoughts and memories
elle joue avec la lune painting personal in the sense that it is my everything, my or made by me for myself (and a bit 'naval car ) |
and you? how do you live these days of the year?
euphoric? melancholy?
perceive the passage of naval
or not? :)