Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Genital Wart Freezing Rehabilitation

Isha's house Christmas Assassin

year, for the first time in my life, I will spend Christmas Eve alone ... Someone wants to adopt a Murderess?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vídeos De Pillados En La Calle

Best SMS of 2009

End of the year, time budgets, cleaning the hard disk and memory of mobile phones. In fact, this very night, as they have nothing better to do, I thought to devote myself to free up some 'space from my phone's SIM eliminating a number of those hateful text messages that people love to send some, especially those who, like me , hate to receive them.

Because I'm an honorary member of the party of "do not throw anything away" (everything, sooner or later, we might need and then you never know and blah blah blah ...) I decided that this waste could be properly textual recycled in the form of a new post to add to this dump of humor, mischief and madness that is my blog.

And then, directly from a mobile all over the warmer southern Italy, here is the text of the most memorable ones I've received this year (and who, unlike many others, perhaps even more memorable so far I had forgotten to throw away).

  1. When I took the nostalgia of you feel a strong electrical vibration, but not up to me: it is a phenomenon triggered by receptors scattered x my body and centers images in my brain. The memories of times spent with you produce small ripples around my heart.
  2. I seem to be sedated. I try to contain my longing and my thoughts in a limited space, do not stray beyond the boundaries of my feelings. The memory of the warmth of your body almost prevents me from breathing.
  3. are veiled in the shadow of a transparent curtain and think of us when we're together. A detailed memory, frozen images, a vision immutable and recurrent. 6 attentive and distracted. Sweet and impetuous. Now I feel far away.
  4. You are an angel who takes care of himself, others and the details. All you follow, often from afar, we love it. In these years, I understand that you have a heart ready to give themselves free, or nearly so. You're like a pastry filled with love.
  5. Here is the view of the sea that shines over me impetuously and all things ... Mank you!
  6. I woke up at three in the morning I could hear the neighbors having sex through the wall. I am a bit 'annoyed xl'invidia I've tried.
  7. I need you to feel alive and happy.
  8. 6 my today and my x always!
  9. I think at every moment and every moment spent together away from you because you are my time and my breath.
  10. There is a strong desire to have you near.
  11. With you I've rediscovered the passion, madness, a world of beautiful and colorful. I discovered a man of energy and brain. A look that upset me the blood and hormones. Have you fallen like a thunderbolt from the blue in a balanced life and disappointed. You came like an angel.
  12. Loving you is like being in heaven, can not be near you every day, it's like being in hell.
  13. You are in everything I do and I say I think.
  14. You are the leitmotif of my life.
  15. Without you, I feel like a raft in the sea.

Very funny, is not it?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cheap Funky Volleyball Spandex

Even the rich bleed

It 's the true story of the moment. E 'on everyone's lips and the titles of all news media, Italians and foreigners.

course I mean the ugly event that was consumed yesterday in Milan and has had starring a hapless statue of the Milanese Duomo. The only fault of the poor souvenir to the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'll spare you the guide of the accident because many and most authoritative sources of the undersigned have already fulfilled this difficult task. In addition, certain details of what happened are so gruesome that even I would struggle to bring them back.

then I will just refer to the results of the latest report on the damage sustained by the victim as a result of the tremendous force of the impact it now: deep nicks along the edge of the iron base, a state of shock and severe psychosis delusions of grandeur (the patient insists to be the best Italian souvenir of the last 150 years). Evidence of

aroused great ecosystem inside and outside the network dall'increscioso episode, I thought of proposing a separate press release below to the topic. To remain as bastions of profound deterioration in this way in the sector today the tourist industry in our country.

The voice of the blogosphere

"The only consolation is that TV will cease to continually invite transsexual and will begin interviewing miniature of the Cathedral." (Dania )

"Berlusconi mica goes down, it's the Berlusconi going down. "(365 sunrises sunsets 364 )

" Those who are already looking unlikely moral principals or was preparing to launch the terror alert would do well to give even a calmed him. "(I want to get off )

" It's never too late to understand and stop. "( Osteria wheel )

" So. .. Silvio Berlusconi somebody just punched in the face. His wife? "(Muck Rack )

" There are over 377mila Silvio Berlusconi's supporters against Tartaglia fans that are about 38 thousand. "(The newspaper )

" I also think that this gesture will only to feed his delusions of persecution and his speeches to those lobotomized fools who still listen to him. "( Inform is a duty )

" In view of recent foreseeable future that the name 'Silvio Berlusconi' will be sought on major search engines on the web with a frequency unmatched ... so I take this opportunity and recommend two very ironically comic strip (more of D'Addario?) our Prime Minister! " (No Blood No Foul )

"Berlusconi is over." (The blog of Beppe Grillo )

"If you rest stop threatening me if I stay you will tolerate in silence, but if the conditions are too hard then So shoot me ... "(Witch Athena )

The political manipulation

" They could postponed until tomorrow for the resignation of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "(

" I think it's time that politics is not only interrogate the need to tone down but to focus on constructive dialogue and not on conflicts that touch the attack on the person, even with risks to personal safety. "(Renato Schifani)

" When you go from political criticism to attack personnel, one inevitably sow violence. " (Claudio Scajola)

"It 's clear that if there is need, as I believe there is, to tighten even further the net, going in this direction." (Alfredo Mantovano)

"If this growing external influences, which leads to detect in a person, in this case the head of government, not an adversary but an enemy, possibly to be killed, it is possible that other psychos can repeat the gesture made last night by imagining to be the avengers. "(Alfredo Mantovano)

" The clearest, renewed call for all political conflict and institutional responsibility is taken beyond the limits of self-control and civil confrontation, and preventing and cutting off each pulse cycle of violence. "(George Napolitano)

"When you do events for a party but not against one person and hate-this is the result. This is the result of politics of hate. "(Ignazio La Russa)

" I do not want you ever want violence, but Mr Berlusconi with his behavior and his indifference to instigate violence. "(Antonio Di Pietro)

"The violence in politics is intolerable and it is all the more when they are being peaceful demonstrations." (Pier Ferdinando Casini)

"repudiation of all forms of violence that would replace the confrontation of ideas" (Luca Palamara)

"It 'a very serious and worrying, which shows a real risk that the violence of words is in fact close to violence." (Federico Lombardi)

"I hope that everyone does their part to restore the conditions for a democratic debate without demonizing each other." (Rosy Bindi)

"What they did to Berlusconi and 'an act of terrorism." (Umberto Bossi)

"The impression is that the opposition weak and the hegemony of quell'Antonio Di Pietro, who still is not ashamed to play with fire and, in fact, bears out his party from the set of shared democratic norms without comparison Hard but fair, as he is doing in the seventies, when the Communist Party, not to have to deal with their basic, closed one eye and cradled inside what would become terrorists murderers. I hope that members of the Democratic Party, especially the streets in the so-called No Cav Day, I apologize to President Berlusconi and come back on the road to democratic rules. "(Mara Carfagna)

" Al TG4 will have more space, not a word. Instigators of violence ... 'Annominchia' "(Emilio Fede)

Friday, December 11, 2009

How Do I Play Pokemon Crystal On My Computer

The summers in a small Murderess

also Murderess was young. If you want to exaggerate, there was even a time when he was a small child unaware of the things in the world.
In those years, the criminal psychopath who now know you used to spend summers in the family's summer residence at a charming seaside holiday animated chaos of shouting and the pestilential stench of the kitchens of several seafood restaurants.
In the best tradition of every serial killer in rank, our, already had a child by nature shy and lonely, perhaps even melancholy. In short, a little misanthropic moody and dreamy. Or if you prefer a little shit and a little anti-social 'freak.

During those endless summers, this little boy ate most of her infinite leisure time on the balcony on the third floor of the "pied-a-mar" parental. From that narrow strip of concrete - extreme edge of the apartment he felt, at once, as a prison and den - the protoassassino deceive boredom watching the show the world that was staged two floors below.
that spark of color noise, including an army of tiny insects swarmed unruly, inexplicably sweaty and excited, scared him for his stupidity and potential for violence but also the curious, the same way a giant anthill can intrigue an entomologist at the first weapons.

Some witnesses claim that era, during his observations of these "high places", the young seemed Murderess talking to himself, as if referring to his impressions of an unseen companion. It's rumored that even he was surprised several times to laugh in a position to who made a mischievously funny shows the ear of his party. In this case, an imaginary interlocutor (or so the show chronicles the most reliable): probably the first clear sign of the anomaly, with the passage of years, had the effect embodied in the infamous killing spree by the assassination of an adult present.

the summer of '99, the memory of these events has been a source of inspiration for me during the composition of one of my first songs. The same that I decided to share with you, poor victims, enjoying the opportunity offered by modern technology, to cause even more havoc with the sense of hearing.
So what you waiting for? Click on the nice player at the bottom of this post, if you dare!

The arrangement and editing of MIDI tracks, and operates a valuable friend and accomplice: the unforgivable Sammartino Ivan (aka Ivan Hallen). For the realization of this ugly project, Ivan has also dared to lend her voice (I am deathly tune, so I abstained, because the idea was to torture and not to indulge in a quick death). The guitars that feel rather have been raped by my brother Stephen (aka Junior), for the series: bad blood does not lie.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect, here also served the text, the most irresponsible of you, you will find the way to focus on what remains of their Eustachian tubes.


my demon who hides
between lumps of rock, black sea
you enjoy listening to the world
from your lair deep
almost an eternity .

Your voice I still remember
dream faded in the evenings of August
while moving around the world
with its colors.
Yes, but I was not there.

And let the time
on the balcony of my imagination.
Without a reason
laughing with you
of what was happening around me

and the people passing
did not know.

white man from the cart
shouted: "I give you
brioche and flavored ices
so that you will not regret
and after you feel better."

Mrs. downstairs
complained almost always time
and said "here is too hot,

want to go where you do not sweat to make love."

Then my mother reminded me
I had a little 'study,

that I would never have become a great doctor

but we have become
and you're 're gone,
my Demon.

Now I live within my time
as a guinea pig in the madness of the Hide.

I wonder if you believe it, finding

how I would see in your eyes

NOTE: after clicking on the small button play, if the song does not start within a few seconds and reload the page and try again.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pink And Green Polka Dot Wedding Invitations

Nouvelle Obsession

Come here to lay siege to my senses.
And my house is invaded by an army of demons

grazing curves among females.

you smile and kiss me.

you lie on a red couch temptation
Then ask your deck
attention and complicity
to me that you cover

sweat and sighs and kisses. You get up

and you get to dance with the smile of a child

ruthless and Gypsy. So, barefoot

safe because I look and you know that I like

you drink the wine that you like to

a donation of blood from my wounded heart.
You can take it, if you want. You can hear him scream if


things I say to you, your lovers
always ungrateful and deaf.
"Only you understand me know."
and kill you, I swear

violate this pact with friends.

But there comes the fear and let domains. Fear
to have you more than I can, by placing the
fingers in the nostrils,
to discover on your taste.
confused between many small men

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Patricia Nimocks' Clear Acrylic Matte Sealer Msds

A kind request

male human beings are capable of staining of the worst atrocities, so as to achieve the most exceptional companies when it comes to satisfy the expectations of a female. Especially if it smells like a female storm of orange blossoms and has eyes as fast as the memories of a person sentenced to death on the threshold of the scaffold.

It is incitement to guilt or merit insistent (and damn wise) of a female of my knowledge I have decided to return to soil these pages with the spirits of my moods wicked and lazy days.

God (or his) forgive me. For you to go back and read the other hand, no mercy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cervical Mucus At 2 Dpo

Provincia Pavese - 18/09/2009

A film about Brown, the 'last of partisan Oltrepo accompanying Valerie Dongo
Province Pavese - September 18, 2009 page 33 section: SHOW

Zavattarello. Last partisan dell'Oltrepo still alive, of the twelve who escorted Colonel Valerio to Dongo, for the showdown with Mussolini and the Fascist Salo, becomes the star of a movie. Arturo Ivan Tajetti, recounts the adventures of James Brown, the rebel who led the brigade Crespi Fiat 634 truck that carried the corpse of Mussolini, his mistress Claretta Petacci and the Praetorian Guard of the scheme, a square Loreto in Milan, instead of the nemesis of fascism collapsed in the rubble of war. Class 1922 - was born February 22 - Bruno lives in Perducco, a handful of houses near Zavattarello. Its mountains, the same people who saw him as a partisan fight. "A simple man - playing the DVD poster, created by the PNA Barona Milan and that will be screened tonight at the Coop building on Via San Faustino in Milan at the invitation ANPI Lambrate Nettle - which tells us about his life, his ideas, words that draw us in an Italy forgotten. The resistance of those who decided to twenty years and without obligation to fight for freedom. Last witness of events that forever changed the course of our history. " Bruni (Arturo is his nom de guerre), in the days of Liberation went down from the mountains with his brigade toward the plain. The men of Crespi of Capettini of Togni, the backbone of the weapon dell'Oltrepo Garibaldi, came to Milan, to schools in Viale Romagna, partisan headquarters. There, James was selected with 11 others to follow Valerio - the Alexandrian Walter Audisio - in its mission "as big as Mount Everest." (R.lo.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Streaming Southpark Ipad

ANPI Lambrate Nettle - "Arthur" Partisans

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Carolina Student Guide Cellular Respiration

Oltrepò ...

Thanking: The monthly Aurora
and Tweety Welcome
ANPI Lambrate Nettle.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is Herbal Essences Hair Dye Metallic?

"Arturo" Oltrepò Pavese, Milan, Dongo. Partisans

in DVD Video "Arturo" Oltrepò Pavese, Milan, Dongo, is available to all sections of ANPI, institutions, associations, means of information, television and non-Schools, Institutes and realities involved. Of course for public viewing as well as liberating. Ivano Tajetti, on call and available for presentations and discussions. Any information and reservations e-mail to Thanking you in advance for your interest, your attention, the section ANPI Barona Milan, is completely at your disposal to achieve together with the support of his videos, and more significant encounters, moments, parties, events ..!

... "The last living Partisan Pavese by the green and then went to Milan from Dongo to execute the fascist and Mussolini. ...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can Woolite Be Used In He Machine

Cherry stone bag home sweet home

The cherry pits are an excellent conductor of heat, when heated or cooled to maintain the temperature no longer retain moisture. Can be heated in the oven, wrapped in the foil, or in the microwave. To use cold put it in the freezer in a plastic bag so that the fabric does not get wet.
is used for voltages of the cervical area, sprains, contusions, abdominal pain, cramps ... and for heating and cooling.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Recipe For Pound Cake Using Cake Mix


Sunday, July 19 09

Video Recording

"Partisans Oltrepò"

Castle Oramala (Pv)

the new documentary about the Partisans of the Four Provinces.

with: Dina Croce,
Varesi Guido, Renzo Salvini,
Lino Slaves, Slaves Ginetto,
Panigazzi Louis, Alfredo Pallini, Clement Ferrario,
James Brown, Luchino Dal Verme.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sv12 Softball Bat Review

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What Does Frostbite Look Like?


Monday, July 13, 2009

Molecular Formula Of Carnauba Wax

Peppetto the cock and box:)

to know the details go to the GALLERY of work for sale or write to

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Color Dots Bottom Beercan

Work in progress .............


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Golf Ball Compression Comparison


Bello cuoricione this true, to know the details and press on in the hen your right and you will find in the gallery of creations for sale.

kisses !!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Actress Showing There Panty


and here's my latest creation, as always if you need something and want me to know the prices or any other type of question write to me!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Total Woman Amber Lynn

Lazzate - May 13, 2009.

"Arturo" Oltrepò Pavese, Milan, Dongo.

Wednesday, May 13 '09 10:00
Lazzate A (I) - Auditorium "Musa"
Matteo Ricci Middle School. Via Laratta, 1.

h. 10.00 ANPI presentation and a brief introduction of the movie "Arthur" by Ivan Tajetti. (Regional Council of Lombardy ANPI)

h. 10.15 screening of the movie "Arthur" Oltrepò Pavese, Milan, Dongo.
h. 10.45 Exhibition Aldo Marchi (partisan fighter in Mantua)
h. 11.15 Tajetti Ivan talks about Resistance (foundations of our Constitution)

ANPI Section Barona - Milan -

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How To Mount Motorcycle Motor On A Go Cart

latest work .....

these are the latest work I've done, to get information of any kind contact me =) box portaricette rings tablet hanging

tablet with wall panels

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How To Sewing Clothes In Pakistan

"Arturo" in transit 28 - Milan.