It 's the true story of the moment. E 'on everyone's lips and the titles of all news media, Italians and foreigners.
course I mean the ugly event that was consumed yesterday in Milan and has had starring a hapless statue of the Milanese Duomo. The only fault of the poor souvenir to the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'll spare you the guide of the accident because many and most authoritative sources of the undersigned have already fulfilled this difficult task. In addition, certain details of what happened are so gruesome that even I would struggle to bring them back.
then I will just refer to the results of the latest report on the damage sustained by the victim as a result of the tremendous force of the impact it now: deep nicks along the edge of the iron base, a state of shock and severe psychosis delusions of grandeur (the patient insists to be the best Italian souvenir of the last 150 years). Evidence of
aroused great ecosystem inside and outside the network dall'increscioso episode, I thought of proposing a separate press release below to the topic. To remain as bastions of profound deterioration in this way in the sector today the tourist industry in our country.
The voice of the blogosphere "The only consolation is that TV will cease to continually invite transsexual and will begin interviewing miniature of the Cathedral." (Dania
"Berlusconi mica goes down, it's the Berlusconi going down. "(365
sunrises sunsets 364 )
" Those who are already looking unlikely moral principals or was preparing to launch the terror alert would do well to give even a calmed him. "(I want to get off
" It's never too late to understand and stop. "(
Osteria wheel )
" So. .. Silvio Berlusconi somebody just punched in the face. His wife? "(Muck
Rack )
" There are over 377mila Silvio Berlusconi's supporters against Tartaglia fans that are about 38 thousand. "(The newspaper
" I also think that this gesture will only to feed his delusions of persecution and his speeches to those lobotomized fools who still listen to him. "(
Inform is a duty )
" In view of recent foreseeable future that the name 'Silvio Berlusconi' will be sought on major search engines on the web with a frequency unmatched ... so I take this opportunity and recommend two very ironically comic strip (more of D'Addario?) our Prime Minister! " (No Blood No Foul
"Berlusconi is over." (The blog of Beppe Grillo
"If you rest stop threatening me if I stay you will tolerate in silence, but if the conditions are too hard then So shoot me ... "(Witch
Athena )
The political manipulation " They could postponed until tomorrow for the resignation of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "(
" I think it's time that politics is not only interrogate the need to tone down but to focus on constructive dialogue and not on conflicts that touch the attack on the person, even with risks to personal safety. "(Renato Schifani)
" When you go from political criticism to attack personnel, one inevitably sow violence. " (Claudio Scajola)
"It 's clear that if there is need, as I believe there is, to tighten even further the net, going in this direction." (Alfredo Mantovano)
"If this growing external influences, which leads to detect in a person, in this case the head of government, not an adversary but an enemy, possibly to be killed, it is possible that other psychos can repeat the gesture made last night by imagining to be the avengers. "(Alfredo Mantovano)
" The clearest, renewed call for all political conflict and institutional responsibility is taken beyond the limits of self-control and civil confrontation, and preventing and cutting off each pulse cycle of violence. "(George Napolitano)
"When you do events for a party but not against one person and hate-this is the result. This is the result of politics of hate. "(Ignazio La Russa)
" I do not want you ever want violence, but Mr Berlusconi with his behavior and his indifference to instigate violence. "(Antonio Di Pietro)
"The violence in politics is intolerable and it is all the more when they are being peaceful demonstrations." (Pier Ferdinando Casini)
"repudiation of all forms of violence that would replace the confrontation of ideas" (Luca Palamara)
"It 'a very serious and worrying, which shows a real risk that the violence of words is in fact close to violence." (Federico Lombardi)
"I hope that everyone does their part to restore the conditions for a democratic debate without demonizing each other." (Rosy Bindi)
"What they did to Berlusconi and 'an act of terrorism." (Umberto Bossi)
"The impression is that the opposition weak and the hegemony of quell'Antonio Di Pietro, who still is not ashamed to play with fire and, in fact, bears out his party from the set of shared democratic norms without comparison Hard but fair, as he is doing in the seventies, when the Communist Party, not to have to deal with their basic, closed one eye and cradled inside what would become terrorists murderers. I hope that members of the Democratic Party, especially the streets in the so-called No Cav Day, I apologize to President Berlusconi and come back on the road to democratic rules. "(Mara Carfagna)
" Al TG4 will have more space, not a word. Instigators of violence ... 'Annominchia' "(Emilio Fede)