Caravans - Marco Polo
A fundamental, Bauman, along with Augé and Le Goff, the stamp of his illuminating definition of "liquid" modernity.
liquid and without real substance, as ephemeral space of writing, indeed no sign now. Writing requires a tangible, these are words fade.
"Fear leads us to a defensive attitude. Once made, the immediacy and gives substance to their fear. They are our reactions that transform the dark omens in everyday realities, and makes the word flesh."
to memorize the chapter "The utopia in the age of uncertainty" on pg. 107 (thought to be fast and intense Thomas two ideals ... Moro and Campanella)
"The clock is ticking and the trick is to ride the wave. If you drown, you continue to surf, and this means changing your wardrobe, furniture, upholstery, appearance and habits - in short yourself - as often as possible ...
... By now the most popular game of the moment is called the run. From the semantic point of view, the flight is exactly the opposite of utopia, but from the psychological point of view is in the present circumstances, his only substitute available ... for your concern and your efforts to do is to just focus on the struggle to avoid losing ... at least try to stay between hunters, because the only alternative you have is to find among the prey ..
Marco Polo speaks through Italo Calvino in Invisible Cities .
"Hell of the living is not something that will, if there is one, is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways for non- suffer. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part the point of no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and to recognize who and what, in the middle of hell, is not hell, then make them endure, give them space. "
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