Sunday, January 30, 2011

What To Do When Tiling Around An Outlet

487 - happens now, Gwuest

the song of the forest

follow on Franco-German TV station ARTE, a program entitled Cuisine des terroirs.
understand perhaps twenty percent of what is said, nevertheless, I followed with great curiosity.
it is a very short documentary series, in which, running the length and breadth of Europe, we focus in turn on a very limited area, a small corner of the world, a microcosm.
and you enter in the kitchens of those who live there.
I really like the fact that those choices are in simple houses of ordinary people, where the cameras are cooked for local dishes, often related to seasonal period where you are. through the plates and the history of the people who cook them, then you leave the house, to describe the landscape around her and its traditions.

this preamble, to say that one of the documentaries I was most impressed (so much that I then revised in reply) entered the homes of the inhabitants of a remote village in the canton of Uri.
Gwuest, is the name of the village, is located in the heart of the Swiss Alps and is home to no more than thirty people. in winter, the only road to the valley, is interrupted for months. the only way he can follow it is kind of a snowmobile with an enclosed cab, but that is only used when strictly necessary.
the inhabitants are thus, from ancient times, used to live in those long months, their self: what they have grown and stored during the warmer months, the food becomes of their winter.
as well as they are accustomed to travel on skis and snowshoes.
and life in the village runs clean and simple, in perpetual harmony with the seasons and what they offer. even when it is the constant danger of avalanches, which are constantly monitored by the inhabitants.

Gwuest children, attending the first school years in the village, where the teacher, who is also an aunt, and who always took care of this, do their lessons. then when they are older, to continue his studies, will go down, and there spend the school year.
and so Gwuest, you empty it further.
but there is no atmosphere of sadness among houses and among the people.
the great cooperation, and life in the midst of these natural wonders made by mountains, forests, meadows, snow, full acceptance of that state of things, ensure that spend the winter in harmony, including short works in the barn or outside , long walks on skis, lunch or dinner together.
the weekend the boys back then. sometimes with a few guests made up of friends or relatives who no longer live in the village.
to start on Sunday afternoon, well before the sun drops.

and this is where I wanted to arrive.
because today is Sunday.
we are in the middle of winter.
and just at this time to Gwuest, families greet the children who return to the valley.
there silence all around, the peaks and forests. the day the sun is shining and snow.
boys ski kiss those who remain, and slowly you start on the track that will take them downstream.
without sadness. thinking that after a few days will return. and that those who remain, even takes care to keep their corner of unspoiled beauty.

right now. now.
a last gesture with his hand.
and disappeared behind the curve.

families, brothers, grandparents are a bit 'to watch.
then each returns to its activities.
while the woods began to climb in the evening.

images appear in a movie, right?
the story of an impossible world.
yet to Gwuest is how things go.

why I wanted to tell.
choosing to do so at the very moment they happen.


is so small and unimportant village Gwuest that I could not find any images online. So I left that to represent a painting of mine that was somewhat reminiscent of those atmospheres.

but this is the link to ART on Cuisine des terroirs.
clicking on the map the orange dot in the center of Switzerland, you can find the summary of the documentary, recipes, cooked, and some pictures of the people of Gwuest.

Friday, January 28, 2011

African Dwarf Frog And Fbt

486 - because I Like Elena Fiore

now resume our meetings with because I like , celebrating the winter with the first guest: Elena Fiore !

Elena Fiore ... I like her already as they play along with your name, let alone a little '!
might not like the rest?
and in fact is not that I like this change. piacissimo me!
fact it was just love at first sight, since the first time that happened, following a trail of crumbs of the many Internet users, first on his site, then on his blog .
yes, love at first sight, and enthusiasm.
for explosions (of color, creativity, fun) that distinguish his work. for the immediate and funny way in which he describes them. for his personal way of being for the readers, so easy, so natural.
but back to our main interest: its work : pins, jewelry, necklaces. And then notebooks, art journal, art-organizer, kit bag for emergencies. change ipod port and port. and yet, soft Mostrilli bizarre. is in compliance with all pieces hand, personalized and customizable. sewn, embroidered, assembled with the most varied and colorful materials. but it is almost impossible to describe in words ...
so I do aside and let them talk to her.

not tell a whole world? made up of creative intelligence, humor, experience and beauty.
I am deeply convinced that the work of every artist is always and consistently expressed his whole world. not just the time when the work has been performed. but just a continuous summary of its history. Think about it ... this is so evident in the creations of elena flower.
closely watching his every object, you can read her story.
then she summarizes so well, tells of studies, travels, curious eyes of the world, families that grow, important work experience. elena has in fact collaborated with magazines such as Create, Casaviva, Milleidee. has published books on his techniques.
short, is a girl who does not get bored.

and this can be confirmed in the interview that follows.
that I enjoyed it very much.
and with which I leave you now enjoy.
'll see if I'm right:)


Your creative dream
1 - Who / what inspires you the most?

Perfect: 1st question is already in total darkness!
not know, I just never thought there :-(
am not at all an observer, but certainly unintentionally storage of inputs that may turn into inspiration.

2 - Keep a diary for jotting down your inspirations?
No. Just the first ticket I've ever under fire. Even the back of a receipt.

3 - Do you have future plans in the short or long term, to which you want to talk?
For about a year I have a virtual shop attached to my site. Until a few hours ago, collaborating with some magazines to insert creative, but now, I did the square clean to dedicate myself exclusively to the creations that I call through the shop.
Fortunately I always order in a footnote (cross my fingers as I write).

You, every day
4 - What's on your nightstand?

Until a few months ago, I had an army of Madonna of Lourdes: the low, one high, one large and one narrow.
I have always liked the blue crown that acts as a lid for the holy water.
And it reminds me of childhood, when on holiday in Latvian slept with my grandmother, and I saw it on her dresser in front.
Now, on the bedside table I have only one, plus one book, two alarms and three bowls. How lampshades I have the Eclipse.
Although most beautiful pictures that live!

5 - Pick up / collect anything?
Si: gaffes, one after another :-)

6 - What are the three constants of your day? And his best moment?
A nice wake up at 3.30 (in the morning do anything but work, family business),
the breakfast end of the world I enjoy cuddling with muesli, jam, cookies, panettone and panforti (if time) and any other Goduria yum yum. On the other hand ... A good start to a good breakfast and I do not ever give up.
Then another constant is going to take my daughter at school at 4:30: I bring a snack, we do chat 2, 4 steps, and then each right Went down into the creative world and re-creative :-)
The best moment of the day is when I'm in the car 4.30 am with the world is asleep and I feel that the queen of the road. Singing out loud doing faces, so that no one sees me! While other fans
Ronfi Ronfi, I make 'song song!

time, seasons
7 - What suggestions do you give the winter?

Wonderful: I love it! Maybe because I was born in December, but I like the winter: scarf, long gloves, hats and caps ...
sleep curled up under the duvet ... adorable winter!

8 - What is your favorite food in this season?
much crap :-( Fortunately I do not have the problem of getting fat, so I tragugio the worst things.
Salami, Wurster, fried stuff, mascarpone cheese, donuts, chocolate and chocolate and hazelnut, and so well-balanced diet: - )
But then reward with 25 soups with vegetables, pasta with vegetables, etc. 37.

9 - The chief of clothing you can not live without?
scarves and mufflers. Gluttony is my weak point :-(

10 - And finally, the tenth question. More than a question is an invitation to tell something interesting about yourself and / or take a short presentation of yourself and / or leave a greeting and / or say what they want. In short, a space to be occupied as you want.
Go for the "something strange" ...
Not being at all an observer, I found myself next to Anthony Delon without realizing it, with Lorenzo Cherubini in front of me at the cinema, to whom I asked to move down (without realizing it was him) and giving advice to Cristiano De Andrè in Coin,
up where to save for Christmas decorations (the recommended course Upim !)... I did not recognize him either!
I am a bit 'suspended, lanky, and a little' touched. But I do laugh a lot :-)


support and promote women's creativity. the care taken in creating a scarf, a birthday cake, a pair of earrings. I support women who carve out a space each day for their dream. I support their desire to see him fly, this dream. I support all these women. and Elena Fiore is one of them.

addresses Elena

Elena thanks for being with us!
thanks to you that you have read.
and the next one!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Want To Watch Her Masterbate

485 - walking in the ghost town

these are the images of a walk, which took place during a recent December afternoon, Capalbio in a cold and deserted.
hours, you should know that I, of these photos, I obviously also the color version.
and that all those who saw them both in color and black and white, have much preferred the first version. fuller, more round, mellow. reassuring.
right. they are right.
Epper, after having spent so much thought-is just one month, the atmosphere of the afternoon and have already changed ...-, so I decided to offer the version that I prefer, or this black and white in a slightly altered.
goggled because these lights, too blurry, too sharp, cold, obliterate, cover, distort, then what are the lights I make the atmosphere that I felt that day, in those hours, including those empty streets.

had rained all day, and only in the late afternoon had opened the gates of weather.
smell and the pavement kept track of rain.
the woods around the quivering silence of a dark and wild.
the dark-and perhaps were not even the five-was complete.
a cold breath of wind that change comes as the stars.
and so was the silence, that between the sound of footsteps, I seemed to hear what the dust of time.
the mood states and a total of a ghost town.
where only ghosts are around. just look at spectra from eye windows.

Is not this a sudden light spectrum?
has heart-shaped. Maybe two lovers.
that who knows what time to return to that way in December when night falls.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nair Before Spray Tan

484 - 483

these days I like:

the colors of Brazil which I find in the creations of Evel Duarte

poetry of this image of snow and trees, that so reminds me of the atmospheres of some naive paintings - suggestion taken from pinterest by Vivian Hoebe

the look that all my life Alex Katz's wife on Ada

these bird cages that become miniature gardens - suggestion is to Shannon Eileen blog

the lights on the bed - suggestion is to pinterest by Ismail Faizlyana

this romantic suite - suggestion is

roses on rain boots - suggestion is to fashionchicks.

age the charm of these facades and the scent of grass that they let me guess - is suggestive of pinterest by Rebecca Schley

the Nordic beauty of this room designed by Swedish designer Marie Olsson - suggestion is to

woods decorated Ginette Lapalme - suggestion taken from

a fascinating world of shadows created by Ann Wood

the simple and immediate way by which ' artist Milliande ( here his youtube ) shows how to create a background-to-one of many possible subsequent establishment in mixed media art

dell'web the happy coincidence that during a visit to a just found the blog, and for some reason now attracts, he should meet with a pleasant surprise, a picture which is portrayed the home of Leonia Naake, born in Warsaw in 1906, that was my husband's grandmother - the house is the one with the two decorations and my thanks go to Dede of various-and-any

*** I would like to conclude this post with a sincere and heartfelt thanks to Monica, Isabella and Federica that have given me very affectionately a prize each. the rules of the game that I would like to take my turn donassi the award to other blogs. though not so orthodox but so the time t, I hope, with these suggestions, it helped to spread the word:) thanks


good walk on the day of the moon?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Indian Weman Boobs Vedio

Fate - Bencivenga-Berger-Borges-

Then, when everything was Over time, we wondered why. And because there was all the time, tried to respond. But the answers never ceased to ask, so many got tired of trying. Now the time is over. Remained of the words. Maybe they have nothing to say.

\u0026lt; The cord >

"When I was little I had a big problem. Every time I had a headache or throat, and so far nothing strange: it was not pleasant, but it is something that happens to everyone and, as they say, bad policy ... There was, however, an evil that was not common, and indeed there were many. It happened that I hurt it, for example, trousers, when his mother put them in the washing machine and the kind of fan that is in there to beat them here and there. It hurt me the door closed if the wind with a crash, I hurt the cat if someone was pulling his tail and it hurt me to the chair when you sat on Uncle Pasquale, who weighs more than a ton and at times the background.
At one point Mom decided to take me to the doctor. He was a tall and all white, with glasses so thick that you could see his eyes either. He made me sit and lie down, I felt the front and back, looked at me with some other glasses more often and finally cleared his throat and began to explain. Everyone, he said, when we are born we detach from the rest of things. Some things are ours, like the head and throat, and other things - most things - no. The cat and the pants and the chair, for example, are not ours, or are our best in that we can keep them there and another wants them to ask them there, but not in the sense that they are part of us as the head and throat. Here this is what happens to everyone, and indeed to almost everyone. For reasons that nobody understands, sometimes a child is born that is detached from the rest of things. I was a child like this: an invisible but very strong rope tied me to the cat and the chair, and even the pasta and the moon. To make me like the others had to cut the cord.
said than done, the doctor took an invisible but very strong tool (which means it does not know, because I have not seen it) and cut the cord. Since then all is well. Or should I say, not bad. I do not do more harm his pants when his mother puts them in the washing machine, or the cat when someone pulls the tail, or the door when the wind slams it with great noise, and all in all I'm sorry to hear only bad in the head and throat. Is there something that I'm sorry though. Before, when the pants came out of the washing machine and the mother will lay in the sun, I felt everything I ran into this hot as a cup of hot chocolate in winter. Then the mother withdrew them in the closet fresh and fragrant lavender, and it was like falling asleep in the grass under a tree, after a lot of outdoor dining and ran after the ball. Not to mention when the cat is crouched the chair: her soft hair against the smooth leather and velvet. Or when my mother leafing through a book and caressing the pages without realizing it. Those caresses when I hear more from the cord is gone. "
Pagg.29 and 31
Ermanno Bencivenga," The philosophy in thirty-two myths "Arnoldo Mondadori Editore First Edition November 1991

This book was given to me for my birthday in 1992 ... then drew the night ... the dedication says "The person who, with her beautiful hands, unable to hold their sleep better than anyone more !"... I here is my string I still invisible and no instrument has never been so strong to be able to cut ...

\u0026lt; The monkey ink > ;

This animal abounds in the northern regions, is four or five inches long, and has a curious instinct. His eyes are as carnelian and the hair of a black shiny, silky, soft as a pillow . E 'beloved by the ink of China: When one writes with one hand, he sits cross-legged and the other, expects to have finished, and drink the rest of the ink. Then sit back and stay crouched quiet.
TA-HAI WANG (1791)

Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero-Manual of Zoology Fantastic Einaudi 1962

A genius with the cord

Friday, January 21, 2011

Substituting Baking Bars With Cocoa

Monday of the suggestions - I need to dream that inhabit the trees

"... I need to hear, words, words
choices wisely,
these thoughts of flowers, roses
these admissions,
of dance songs that make the statues,
of stars whispering in the ears of lovers ... "

Alda wrote this Merini.
this I read this morning, moments before taking a picture intruder I mentioned yesterday.
a poem I did not know, but, for those strange coincidences that sometimes occur, just this morning, right before photographing my last painting, I have met.
strange coincidence, because I had already decided to name it after dreams of trees.
realizing this fact, I thought.
the trees, fast asleep in these days of January, and their dreams.
and what may mark a tree in January, if not a promise of Heaven and the Earth did they do?
and while the dreams of trees, life weaves its web, with references to invisible, constantly.

"... I need poetry,
this spell which burns the weight of words,
that evokes emotions and gives new colors."


Dreams trees, measuring 50 x 50 cm, is made with mixed media on wood, and is available from now on my site .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why The Day Wait After Waxing

482 - things I do these days

observe the sky, look on the ground tracks, signals, keep a notebook today's shades of red , pink, yellow, blue, green, try to transfer the records into a new painting.
it becomes even map. it becomes even track.
then put it all in a photo mosaic.
that could be called "these days" as well as "look for the intruder ... ;)

and you? What are you looking these days? there is something to take note? disguised as some part of an intruder? tell me ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blood Vessel Burst On Breast

481 - clouds and stars

this year are named
Alessio, Stefano, Elena, Giorgia, Soknha, Kevin. is they who have five years in section of clouds public school kindergarten G. Rodari of Bovezio Brescia.
who accompanies them on their path is always the precious teacher Fulvia.
the theme is "watching the sky through the square - wait a moment Gongolo - great authors."
this is the painting to start with the observation:

are performed at night on the island mysterious wonders

and these masterpieces of children:

is nothing more to add the word works?
not it? You can only watch silent, surprised, grateful.
Hello kids, hello teacher Fulvia!
you, always, my greeting, my thanks.