Monday, February 28, 2011

Song Counts Down 5 4 3 2 1 Tecno

501 - because I like Sara Merlino

in these times when too often beauty, culture, art, words are fading that they lose meaning, It is a pleasure for me today, my little house in this book because I like the , a young woman with beauty, culture, art has fueled his dream and built the foundations of his life and his work.
distributed creativity. beauty supply. art presented. and present art is to make culture.
begin to imagine what I'm talking about?
yes, it's true: Sara Merlino and a gallery.
a young art dealer, backed by several years of craft and heart so much passion for this work carried out and chosen with love.

Sara Evvivanoè directs the gallery, located in the heart of the small town of Cherasco .
the name of the gallery, has a home as beautiful as affectionate.
fact (from the gallery site ) "represents a bond with the city, its history (even tiny, daily) and traditions: it is an ancient wishing cry once exchanged between cheraschesi spoken of Gina Lagorio in his book "Among the starry walls," calling it the blessing implied throughout the year "
is not beautiful?

and beautiful is the passion that Sarah puts in his work.
constantly looking for artists. with them in building a relationship of mutual understanding and trust. in the public presentation of their work, through solo and group exhibitions at the gallery itself, and at other events such as fairs and expos in Italy and worldwide.

Evvivanoè five years will do just this spring.
is a place created entirely by Sara and her husband Francesco, with the help of close friends.
Sara told me that the renovation work is erupted outside a medieval Muraccio, remained hidden in years and years in which the site had other uses. including also a butcher.
and now, this place full of history, is a small elegant white space, with a floor of raw wood, which comes to life from time to time with the new colors and new forms of art of the moment.
artists carefully selected by Sarah herself, who make art through various forms: from classic paintings, sculptures in different materials, a precious work on the fabric or other materials.

Sara describes her adventure as an art dealer even pages a blog that takes its name from the gallery itself.
and is a pleasure, just by visiting these pages, see this young woman's passion for his work.

proper, and yet, by the way of this passion, this love for a place to work, for art, I would conclude the presentation by Sara Merlino with these words related to his dream become a reality and called Evvivanoè:

... what makes it special is you ... artists! With your powered wonders this magical place and my dreams ... Many joys, some disappointments, a lot of enthusiasm punctuated by some moments of despair. Today I have grown a lot since then, but I always feel at the beginning of a journey. Anyway, I would not change anything and I could not imagine another job for me! "

Sara and we can not imagine another job for you:)


and now I leave you in the company of other words of Sarah.
through my interview about his work, his way of living time and season, time of day.

Your creative dream
1 - Who / what inspires you the most?
I realized slowly over the years, that what inspires me to change with the seasons of the year ... I could say I'm the same seasons to inspire me.
Autumn, for example, is the period where I feel more in harmony with myself, where I find a sort of balance. The vines laden with ripe grapes and the days freschine but the warm, golden light recall the last picnic (golfone to below) that fill the eyes of beautiful things.
Then buy new balls of wool, knitted or new flowers and above all, exercise books and drawing paper makes me feel full of energy. The good feelings I felt when The school began the meeting today, every September. Normally the best ideas for my work - and not just the one-arrive just in autumn.
And then, the journey. An extraordinary opportunity to be inspired, just walk into a coffee and look around, anywhere "world" where you are. I think that move, move, wander, is the greatest source of inspiration can be a real Pandora's box!

2 - Keep a diary for jotting down your inspirations?
small notebooks scattered all over the house, and at least one in the bag with me forever. I jot down recipes and foods I experience when I travel, names of artists and galleries around bishop, mini pinch-scraps of fabric ... I mean, I love them almost more for their appearance "containers" disordered experiences for their usefulness. (But then I use them too eh!)

3 - Do you have future plans in the short or long term, to which you want to talk?
My projects are often too many ... basically I like daydreaming. Usually every fall I make a list of shows I want to do in the gallery the following year: events, encountered or discovered new artists on the web, artistic craftsmanship that I expose and propose various ideas. Then slowly realized what "feasible".
A project that should take place is short: it is an art fair in Milan, which seemed so far ..... and now help is just around the corner! We hope and keep our fingers crossed!
(a brief note: the interview dates back to about a month ago. The show was then performed and it was a success! You can see the photos in the blog ) .
While what I hope for the future is that "Evvivanoè" continue to exist, can accommodate so many good artists .... and that art comes to the people, to all persons, and do a little dreaming!

You, every day
4 - What's on your nightstand?
On my bedside table is a photograph of a lavender field in Provence, taken at Sault years ago, a dryness bouquet of lavender tied with a ribbon that I picked up there.
I love this flower and I hold many bouquets scattered around the house, send me serenity. Then there is a pink carousel with wooden horses ... a small gift that I care a great deal: he comes from a flea market Cherasco.

5 - Pick up / collect anything?
loooong time now I have a passion for teapots, cake molds, cookie cutters, tin cans ... And they are generally small treasures bishop in flea markets. Thus, objects made of aluminum, copper, a little 'dented and rusty ... I could easily call her collection of "Vecchiotti" that have to do with the pastry and cooking.

6 - What are the three constants of your day? And his best moment?
The 3 days of my constant constant ... see ... BREAKFAST !!!!!!!! Because I love (and my favorite ever!) And which do not give up ever! Taken with calm and good things can prepare at home just for the morning, or sometimes in a café, giving me five minutes to read a little bit peeking the people walking, comes and goes.
I also started to take photos from around without breakfast, with its comment, description of the room ... fixations !!!!!!
Searching for artists and beautiful things ... for the web, in newspapers and magazines, when you travel or wandering around, not necessarily too far from home. Every day I devote time to this ... I realized that the end is the best side of my work! Even just a walk through the streets of my country or around the hill can bring good ideas!
The time spent with those I love, with my husband, my family, my friends, making them play with my kitties. In a way I really need to hear the people you love all day, even with only a phone call or two lines written.
With regard to the time of the day I prefer, I can not help repeating myself: in the morning and the breakfast! Turn on the radio with the volume down low, put on coffee and lay a small part of our big table with placemats, cups (I have a number of disgraceful and I love to change them every day). So much so that I often find myself studying the matching cups / cloth that most inspires me at 7 am, when every other to me to be impossible! But my instinct is .... And 'that I enjoy it all better if there is harmony around me. And my pantry is clear: my husband pointed out the other day that there is such a large amount of jam, for a while 'maybe I could stop by to hold pots and thinking to prepare for another!

time, seasons
7 - What suggestions do you give the winter?
Winter ... Balls of wool, colored coats, Monviso whitened the roofs of Cherasco steaming and the smell of wood burning fireplaces and a furnace in the air. Winter is a spell which silences all and hides everything under a magical silence. But it is also intimacy and warmth of the house, turned on the oven that cooks things good friends meet you and talk for the evening.
Winter is often thought and meditation, listening to themselves.

8 - What is your favorite food in this season?
The soups and vegetable soups! In addition to being good and sound bring to the table wonderful colors, different every time ... orange, purple, green, yellow ... And then you can eat with a good toast, hot and crispy!

9 - the garment which does not you give up?
The coat is a garment that I have always adored as a child. I own some for years and years, I took everywhere. A square, black, burgundy, eggplant ... some made for me by my mother, others inherited. I never had any other type of jacket in my life, always and only coats!

10 - And finally, the tenth question. More than a question is an invitation to tell something interesting about yourself and / or make a short presentation of yourself and / or leave a greeting and / or say what they want. In short, a space to be occupied as you want.
I am a thirty year old a bit 'distracted, her head often in the clouds and nose in the air, because I like to think, reflect, dream, look around and daydream.
I grew up in a house where music was omnipresent, cats and my mom's sewing machine (and a lot of stuff ...).
I have always had as playmates, so many colors and sketchbook to fill, to cut fabrics, doll clothing to be invented ...
Several years later I started reading in school my first book of art history and I discovered with surprise that this mysterious thing, this need to create, to make a mark, to depict the existence and the existence had begun almost with the humanity! It had taken several thousand forms, all amazing and all interesting.
So I understand that my path led there, in that world, and that I wanted to live there.
Then one day in late summer, I found a small empty room, abandoned, in what was the village of my great-grandmother. And then I got the idea .. "I want to turn this space a candid, friendly, a chest full of beautiful things, born from the imagination of artists." So I dived without thinking too much-perhaps for the first time in my life-in this adventure.
Nearly five years here, with my ancient wall that came out as a beautiful surprise behind the marble that covered it, with white wood floor that the more it gets dirty, the more beautiful ... In this fantasy world, but it really exists, which is a few square meters, but that seems endless. Sometimes I try
artists, sometimes they are finding me, some days I write, others set up the exhibits carefully, other times KNIT yet to pass the long winter afternoons.
When I close the door and down with the gate, across the road, I get quite a bit of stairs, right up there where my house is a small attic in which I live with my kittens Francis and inspiring, and Sofia Zizu . There
become creative, too, but with flour, eggs, butter and sugar, because I love messing around in the kitchen.


support and promote women's creativity. the care taken in creating a scarf, a birthday cake, a pair of earrings. in distributing beauty. I support women who carve out a space each day for their dream. I support their desire to see him fly, this dream. I support all these women. and Sara Merlino is one of them.


addresses Sara
for those who, in Cuneo, would personally visit the gallery, this is Cherasco, via Vittorio Emanuele 56

here instead:


Sara thanks for being my guest!
thanks to you that you have read.
and the next one!

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Put A Visor In Cpx Lacrosse Helmet

500 - five hundred?? five hundred!

I do not like I was noticed.
although every time I write the number in the title which corresponds to the post, yesterday I had not noticed was that the next round.
so round.
I noticed it now.
and I do not have anything ready mica. I mean nothing special.
I do not have evening dresses, I have bottles of champagne, I streamers.
I have no special words, I have no drum roll.
wearing an old pair of light trousers (the down of a suit), a white shirt, a wool jacket in pale pink. are barefoot and as usual, perched on the chair position fakir. Hair extensions are already too windswept to the end of February breathed a little while ago in the garden.
that are in short ever.
one that writes here of the things he sees, feels and smells. the colors he uses. of his days.
that sometimes shows pictures of odd little creatures unlikely.
one that likes to read to you, through your answers, through your pages.
short one there.
that you might have learned a little 'to know.

for today's post, in full knowledge that it was not just the five-hundredth, I had prepared, by sheer coincidence, the flowers.
other flowers.
I felt like after you have assembled a collage of yesterday.

only this time, asking for forgiveness because his mother nature are unattainable, the flowers would be chosen were mine. all only mine.
opportunity to review the pages of my store, recalling the moment when I had done this or that.

and so are the flowers that I am giving you today.
with my thanks for your being there.

here with me.
to the tune of five hundred times.

(while out of the twilight is powder blue and a blackbird wildly bizarre marathon runner runs zigzag through the jar).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Period 2 Days Late Ewcm

499 -

... pending return.
(and not missing that much ...)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is No Marks Cream Safe To Use During Pregnancy

to remember 498 - the return of trains

last fall when I spent time in a small village in the Alps, every evening at eight o'clock, I could get the last bus of the day, what you brought home from the city who, for one reason or another, had held up to the last downstream.
was a fixture on the bus of eight. just waiting for him, while having dinner the night I looked up in the woods.
I have pondered long and hard about that image ...
the bus was turned into a train, it is not autumn but winter advanced.
probably one of those houses in the distance someone is having dinner, and while looking up the night from the woods, he came to the last train.
what brings travelers to the valley between the silence of the mountains.


"the journey in the evening, the snow is one of my original painting measure 50x50 cm, made with mixed media on wood, now available in my site .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where To Buy Mac Full Coverage Foundation

497 - 496

sometimes you have with such harmonious grace, that even the most skilled artists of flowers leaned revered sign of astonishment.


and happy Sunday to you!
here is light rain, Light air, new flowers.
and as always, these days, I will think about it, waiting on wires away.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Side Effects Of Rephresh Gel

Last Partisan of Dongo.

PAVIA. Last partisan of Dongo has the good-natured and smiling face of James Brown. He was driving the truck that carried the Fiat 634 from Lake Como to Piazzale Loreto in Milan, the bodies of Benito Mussolini, his mistress Claretta Petacci and hierarchs. Today, at age 88, is the only one still living of the boys who escorted dell'Oltrepo Pavese Colonel Valerio - the Alexandrian Walter Audisio - in its mission "bigger than a mountain," hunting for Mussolini and the Praetorian Guard of Salò .

Bruni Perducco lives in a handful of homes Zavattarello above, the high Oltrepò, where he was born February 20, 1922, and where he still lives with his wife, Rosa, married in '50, and one of his seven sons, who have as eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The thread of his story unravels when, 19 years old, and was called to arms, to arrive until today. That deals with a € 500 pension per month, including the ludicrous figure of € 15 for the merits of war, the inevitable infirmities of age and disappointment for the betrayal of the ideals of the time: "We were fighting for freedom and democracy we were always denied - he says with bitterness -. Young people now are losing both and neither realize it. "
the background, behind the last house in Perducco, stands the imposing castle Dal Verme: a refuge for partisans, the Germans burned furiously, then rebuilt and today the Museum of the Resistance. For those who, despite everything, will not forget that spring day, 65 years later.
"In 1941 I Alpine Division Cuneense - so begins the story of Arthur, his nom de guerre -. I had to leave for Russia, but I got sick and stayed at the department. My brother was less fortunate Caesar, went to the front and never came back. On September 8, I was in Laives, Alto Adige, with mountain artillery. For a day and a night fought against the Germans, then we had to give up heavy weapons and small arms we retreated to the Veneto. I was taken prisoner in Vicenza and taken to a barracks. Three days without food or drink. I was exhausted. The third night I wait in line and went back home, still on foot. I crossed the Po disguised as a priest, his cassock procured me my sister. " But
Zavattarello, Bruni was wanted as a deserter. "The fascists took my mother hostage and took it - his story continues -. I had to introduce myself to the district of Tortona, and from there I moved to an airfield in Asti. When I heard that tomorrow we would be deported to Germany, I ran away again. In March of '44 I joined the band of the Greek and then in Crespi. "
brings us to the Liberation. "On the night of April 24 down towards Voghera. Then in Pavia. From there, the trucks and taken to the German fascists, we went to Milan. I was driving a Lancia Ro, I was the first column. We entered the city from Porta Ticinese. There were snipers everywhere, firing from rooftops, windows. We had to drive out the Germans barricaded in Viale Romagna schools. "
Who chose for the mission in Dongo? "He was my commander Cyrus - replies Bruni -, Colonel Valerio, and Landini (head of the counterintelligence service of the formations Garibaldi dell'Oltrepo Pavese) traveled car, I was driving a Fiat 634. " Who went to
Giulino Mezzegra of Mussolini? "Valerio, Landini and the political commissar of Dongo, Martinelli. Come back Landini, who was my friend, told me that when they were arrived, the captain and Petacci were still asleep. We woke up, they said that Mussolini had come to free him and he said, "If I paid I give you the empire." But now the empire no longer existed. "
Landini said even those who shot the leader? "No. Then from Dongo to Milan. "We loaded the bodies of Mussolini and the Fascist shot in Giulino. Once at the Pirelli Viale Zara we mistook for fascists, they wanted to shoot Valerio and others. I stayed in the truck, I had seen. He fired again, a bullet pierced my trousers without hurting me. " Finally
Piazzale Loreto. "People wanted to play havoc with the bodies, remember an old woman who spat at the leader. When they hung the bodies to the distributor, I had already left me. "
Bruni has maintained for over half a century of silence about the facts of Dongo and the names of those who participated in that mission. "The order not to talk about - shows - we gave it to Cyrus. He did it to protect ourselves from possible reprisals. " The partisans dell'Oltrepo Pavese Stock Valerio helped to form the firing squad of the hierarchy on the lakefront Dongo. They commanded the Tuscan Alfredo Mordini, communist, a prominent figure of Garibaldi's training, which would come into possession of the gun served to give the final blow to the leader. Weapon, a Beretta, is now preserved at the Historical Museum of Voghera.

From Trentino - Corriere delle Alpi April 25, 2010. - Roberto Lodi

Is It Normal For Black People To Have Yellow Eyes

grace - people that I can find

and does so in the form of a leaf.
of leaf appearance with a heart.
entering when even I notice.
and I'm on my table waiting for me.

... do so when it masquerade as a heart-shaped leaf.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jelly Bracelet Color Guide

495 - two walks

walk number one.
afternoon, very humid.
(the drops are those that were ticking on my umbrella)

walk number two.
time of day: a choice.
does not seem to need an umbrella.


the number two also has a title, which is Gemini.
is painted with a walk mixed media on wood, size 20x20 cm and is now available on my site .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Shrek 2 Monopoly Junior Instructions

494 - suggestions on Monday

in these days of February:

are irresistibly attracted to the yellow of the lemon in the middle of their maturation. Lemon Bars, and this seems so inviting to use any of them - suggestion comes from blissful

will spring beginning to appear in his subtle ways, the fact is that I'm in love with embroidered flowers. Like this dress - suggestion comes from flickr mexicanos vestidos bordados

and this bag - suggestion comes from etsy atelier rococo

I could spend hours watching the beautiful tables of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues , draftsman and cartographer of the '500, whose adventurous life was pacified by this great gift

I'd love to
crocheting to make this pillow - suggestion comes from pinterest by Kim Burrows

this simple and delicious decoration - suggestion comes from flickr wood wool stool

I like the sensitivity of these tiny round embroidery - suggestion comes from

and charm of this romantic lanterns - suggestion comes from crafts by amanda

find it very relaxing the pale blue light in this room - suggestion is lorilangille

and fell in love with this tent, made printed handkerchiefs from the nineteenth century - suggestion comes from Gardenia the month of February - article "The garden found" - page 31

I bow before the mastery of Nina Lindgren in achieving its cardboard houses

dream in front of this image (fantasizing about how it could be painting in a room like that ...) - suggestion this to be my ideal home

smile and then watching the umpteenth time this delightful animation - suggestion comes from words stuck


hope you enjoyed the walk, I give you appointment another day of the moon. near future, here to me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

25th Anniversary Clipart

493 - Kelly teaches

Whoever follows me will probably know for some time, because surely I must have said, of my admiration for the American artist Kelly Rae Roberts .
I like her in many ways. I like the
naturally and easy with which it gives to its readers. the way the story goes, day after day, without exception, on its way of life and artistic growth.
I like it, not least, being united by a sharp change of course, happened at some point in our lives, when, and for me as for you, make art, live one, seemed a forgotten fact, shelved impossible.
and instead:)

and then in her, in her story, I find so much to me.
my own doubts, my fears, thoughts.
the courage that I have tried along the way, and found in many small signs and gestures and to recognize aspects of myself, that now seems relegated to small cut moments here and there, and gradually more and more rare.
kelly rae was a social worker.
I worked at the post office.
two roads that seemed to have decided, fixed, in some ways also very reassuring.
- and in fact I do not regret anything about my past. everything I did and I lived to get served, however, with even greater determination to here, now -

two roads that could be changed instead.
enough to want it. want it very strongly.
and make that leap, the famous jump - whatever, all we have one, even more than one - that scares so much that requires a bit of recklessness, but that is the only way I can fly.
So Kelly and I like it.
and I follow close, you can say almost with affection.

I like so much in fact that last summer, won my proverbial laziness telematics, I followed the lessons of his - and mine - the first on-line course. a course where, in addition to narrating his experience, and provide encouragement and advice to those who follow or would follow a similar path, teaches just so simple, practical, all the steps.
and thus, among other things, but mainly I'd say: how to run their artistic work using the means granted by internet, from blogs to your site, social networking sites to shop online, through a sea of \u200b\u200blittle practical information, such as time management, the purchase of a professional printer, packaging, licensing, and much more.
kelly was told, as usual, with great generosity, not to mention any aspect, showing its path step by step, revealing little tricks to make things easier.
lessons were wonderful, very helpful, from which I learned - and remembered - so, from whom I have had many confirmations, but also further encouragement, combined with the boost of energy which is always good as well.

the course kelly then made a series of e-books, maybe even useful to explore just one aspect of the whole thing.
in the blog roll here on your right specific to click on the banner for more information if necessary.

all this preamble, however, was quick to get to the video room here today, and you can also find his blog where you see the artist at work on his work.

know what I look like anyone is working with mastery.
also like knowing that many of you, I could not share this little gem.

good vision then.
good Saturday. courage always:)
you soon!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kidde Smoke Alarm Won't

492 - sssshhhhh. let her sleep ...

... the moon, branches in winter.


"the moon among the branches in winter" is my new original painting.
measuring 50 x 50 cm, and is now available on my site .


but does not end here ...
this morning I had one of those surprises that I like.
the titled: to les fille like flowers.
indeed, love them:)
and so thankful.
thank Chiara who chose this print as a gift for his first granddaughter, Cassandra, and thank Claudia , creator of flowers.


a good afternoon, and soon!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Build A Dune Buggy From Wood

491 - people who live in the wood

... and not only when I have the flu.
live there forever.
just that when I have the influence we say goodbye very politely.
the rest of the time we simply observe.
(okay, it can happen, sometimes, a quick nod. A light fluttering of wings. But just subtle hints. One that says, oh, well ... maybe, maybe not.)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Red After Waxing

490 - the mystery of the comments disappeared - (sorry!)

probably clouded by the fever of a maldido virusone flu, I must have made a mess of technology with regard to the last post comments.
that had disappeared, gone to a page that does not even know existed. and therefore even I myself had seen and read.
through alessia (my favorite duck ♥) I wrote, I finally focused on that something was not working properly, and doing some research, I was able to back to what it was, and resolve.
my already not so casual in addressing the technological aspects of anything, lost in the smoke fever that gets worse is there to say a lot.
now back to spread on the bed sighing.
thanks and see you soon!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fotos Candentes De Paty Naviad

"Eternity is a Day" - figures in his footsteps and anxiety

Hope dies

Hope is one of the structures of life, and takes place in radical antithesis
anguish and despair: it rebuilds and regenerates each time, life as
horizon that opens to the future: the untold possibilities that are in future. When
then, the hope is crushed and devoured by anxiety and despair, it is hard to live and to continue to live

Despair, as Kierkegaard said, "is more like the state of dying when
is agony without being able to die" because deadly disease is that contradiction "
to die and yet not to die, to die the death" and then "die means that it is all over,
but dying the death means to live, experience the dying." [...]

.. The seal of any delusion ..

In everyday life we we meet a crowd of passers are "bystanders" and, as such, are not
simply pass, but if one of us would put suddenly the question of why, in
this very moment, a passer has to find its way, here you might fall
(leads only) in an initial delusions of persecution (interpretation).
The passerby immediately lose its identity as a "passing" and fall within the circle of
a figure (a reality) of aggression and persecution.
So, in any delusional experience (in any delusion) suddenly becomes a real
more sense and 'other depth, open new paths in the world of perceptions and a new identity
you are configuring. The Conscience of a real different from what is usually
before us is not, after all, if not the conscience that in the real meanings are transformed dramatically;
and a new "logic" of identity and the similarities are growing. [...]

... Each face has an inner time that the marks: not clock time, the time of the hourglass, but the time spent, the subjective time: that expresses the great meanings of life ... the anxiety has traced
its borders impassable turning people, who are submerged
monads in with the windows sealed.
In the gaze, in the infinite forms of the eye, turns out to be a hope (nostalgia)
of dialogue and communication.

Eugenio Borgna "The figures of anxiety" Fields of knowledge - 1997

It 's so that in every moment of our lives
as we grabbed from outside the meanings
ourselves that we read in the appearances.
Then you can discuss endlessly
the reality of the outside world. Because what we call world
are the meanings that we read, therefore something that is not real.
But it takes hold as from outside, so it is real.
Why would you want to resolve this contradiction, when the
higher task of thought on this earth is to define and cover
insoluble contradictions,
as Plato says, pull up?
E 'then strange that there are no dates feelings and meanings;
is given to us only what we read;
we do not see the letters.

Simone Weil, Notebooks , IV

"A stone, a figure, a sign, a word that come to us from their context, that stone, that figure, the sign or word : we groped to define them, describe them as such, and that's it, if more than the face you present to us, they also have a dark side to us not to know. The refusal to understand more of what these stones show us is perhaps the only possible way to show respect for their secret groped guess is assumed that the true meaning of betrayal but lost ."... .. " Yet he knows he could never suppress in himself the need to translate, to move from one language to another by concrete figures to abstract words, the abstract symbols to concrete experiences, weaving and re-weave a network of analogies. It is impossible not to interpret, as it is impossible to keep from thinking. "

Italo Calvino, Palomar

"Die Dame auf dem Pferd"
1900-01 Alfred Kubin

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Break In A Softball Catchers Mitt

489 - the last ten days! - (But then but was not!)

for what?
for them!

yes, here we go.
the fantastic promotion began in December is almost over.
today, starting the last ten days to buy one of my prints at a discounted price.
therefore there is no time until Sunday, February 13, to choose and win your / your favorite / and between twelve ten.
(prints "when the train of elves" and "hill" are gone)

as I already said long ago, this is my first prints, multiples of the first of my works, so I'm particularly fond of them.

well as the first, will also remain unique.
I like to change, so that I will carry the next will be completely different, both in size, as that paper.
equally beautiful (at least for me;)) but certainly quite different.

then, is the latest opportunity to choose your favorite and buy it online, in this measure, in this format.
especially at a fabulous price and unrepeatable.

ten days!
here to find out how, what, and choose to see them better.
once chosen, or for any other information, write without fear, without obligation.
among other things is also always a nice way to have a debate with you more.
you soon then.
and as always, thanks:)

countermanded after some time!
to say that instead, the promotion is still a bit 'out.
I have not yet prepared all the new achievements, because there is still so much interest and I would hate to stop the possibility of the discount right now, and last but perhaps most important reason, for me they have been kind request.
and therefore the promotion goes on ... up a. .. mah. at this point, I speak more:)
not do deadlines.
goes on until, by clicking on my site, do not see anymore.
be vague is the only way now to be precise:)
a warm greeting and thank you again!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is It Common To Go Blind From Shingles

488 - purification, chaos

"from the point of view of the growing season of plants, especially in February is a month: everything is still, forced in the grip of winter frost, and yet under the sky of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, a thin-pervading fever. a surge of energy, like an electric current, it awakens the seeds, it activates the DNA which then starts to unfold his destiny ... "
Ferdinand Alaimo for AAM Terra Nuova - February 2011

"in ancient Rome the month of February was a typical period of transition that marked the sunset of the old year and a prelude to the birth of the new year: the chaotic period in which everything is stirred. So you could say that the Saturnalia , followed by purification rites, were part of a series of archaic ceremonies that accompanied the long passage winter - the dark period of the calendar of the Indo-Europeans - to the renewal of the cosmos is symbolized by the spring.
februar in Latin means precisely purify, expiate.
but among those days dedicated to the purification, was part of a party disturbing the Lupercalia, where rituals were woven purification rituals symbolic of fertility.
Lupercalia also appears in the figure of Juno, that Iunio Februar or purified. The goddess is also remembered for Kalends of the month, with the name of Iunio Sospita , which is the Saviour ... "
Alfredo Cattabiani - Calendar

Imbolc, Candlemas.
belly pass.
purification chaos.
many meanings, in so short a month ...


last night reading the book of the moment, Journey to Portugal's José Saramago , I found myself faced with a step so nice, but so beautiful ... I kissed the page.
- this you kiss the sacred relics by the faithful? or holy collected by her grandmother, who nodded smiling in awe when we came to a holy kiss. that's it. -
just that, bringing the book to the face - five hundred pages, a good pound of culture - I must have put too much emphasis, hitting his nose.

ecstatic joy. chaos.

at that moment I was alone in the room, thankfully.
and even now, I trust you will not go to say it too loud.


but according to you, so we were all put in line to be followed? as the crumbs of Thumb?


and came to the end of this update, which, following the directive of celestial time, maintains the chaotic behavior.
"in everyday life, we try to create order, but we feel that Chaos is the Mother of order and that, sometimes, must make room for this matrix in our lives. "
Etain Addey - Deep waters

chaos so good !
with a pinch of purification, of course;)