"from the point of view of the growing season of plants, especially in February is a month: everything is still, forced in the grip of winter frost, and yet under the sky of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, a thin-pervading fever. a surge of energy, like an electric current, it awakens the seeds, it activates the DNA which then starts to unfold his destiny ... "
Ferdinand Alaimo for AAM Terra Nuova - February 2011
"in ancient Rome the month of February was a typical period of transition that marked the sunset of the old year and a prelude to the birth of the new year: the chaotic period in which everything is stirred. So you could say that the Saturnalia , followed by purification rites, were part of a series of archaic ceremonies that accompanied the long passage winter - the dark period of the calendar of the Indo-Europeans - to the renewal of the cosmos is symbolized by the spring.
februar in Latin means precisely purify, expiate.
but among those days dedicated to the purification, was part of a party disturbing the Lupercalia, where rituals were woven purification rituals symbolic of fertility.
Lupercalia also appears in the figure of Juno, that Iunio Februar or purified. The goddess is also remembered for Kalends of the month, with the name of Iunio Sospita , which is the Saviour ... "
Alfredo Cattabiani - Calendar
February .
Imbolc, Candlemas.
belly pass.
purification chaos.
many meanings, in so short a month ...
- this you kiss the sacred relics by the faithful? or holy collected by her grandmother, who nodded smiling in awe when we came to a holy kiss. that's it. -
just that, bringing the book to the face - five hundred pages, a good pound of culture - I must have put too much emphasis, hitting his nose.
ecstatic joy. chaos.
at that moment I was alone in the room, thankfully.
and even now, I trust you will not go to say it too loud.
but according to you, so we were all put in line to be followed? as the crumbs of Thumb?
and came to the end of this update, which, following the directive of celestial time, maintains the chaotic behavior.
"in everyday life, we try to create order, but we feel that Chaos is the Mother of order and that, sometimes, must make room for this matrix in our lives. "
Etain Addey - Deep waters
chaos so good !
with a pinch of purification, of course;)
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